Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

We have prepared this privacy statement (version 05.05.2019-211092731) in order to explain to you, in accordance with the requirements of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act (DSG), what information we collect, how we use data and what decision-making options you have as a visitor to this website.

It is in the nature of these statements to sound very technical, but we have tried to make them as simple and clear as possible.

Automatic data storage

When you visit websites today, certain information is automatically generated and stored, including on this website.

When you visit our website as you are doing now, our web server (computer on which this website is stored) automatically stores data such as

  • the address (URL) of the called web page
  • browser and browser version
  • the operating system
  • the address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL)
  • the name and IP address of the device from which it is accessed
  • date and time

in files (web server log files)

Web server log files are usually stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass on this data, but we cannot rule out the possibility that this data may be viewed in the event of unlawful conduct.

According to Article 6 paragraph 1 f DSGVO (lawfulness of processing), the legal basis is that there is a legitimate interest in enabling the error-free operation of this website by recording web server log files.


Our website uses HTTP cookies to store user-specific data.

Below we explain what cookies are and why they are used to help you better understand the following privacy statement.

What exactly are cookies?

Whenever you surf the Internet, use a browser. Well-known browsers include Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. Most Web pages store small text files in your browser. These files are called cookies.

One thing cannot be dismissed: Cookies are really useful helpers. Almost all websites use cookies. More precisely, they are HTTP cookies, since there are also other cookies for other applications. HTTP cookies are small files that are stored on your computer by our website. These cookie files are automatically stored in the cookie folder, the “brain” of your browser. A cookie consists of a name and a value. When defining a cookie, one or more additional attributes must be specified.

Cookies store certain user data from you, such as language or personal page settings. When you return to our site, your browser sends the “user-related” information back to our site. Thanks to cookies, our website knows who you are and offers you your usual standard settings. In some browsers, each cookie has its own file, in others, such as Firefox, all cookies are stored in a single file.

There are both first-party and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are created directly by our site, third-party cookies are created by partner sites (such as Google Analytics). Each cookie is unique because each cookie stores different information. The expiration time of a cookie also varies from a few minutes to a few years. Cookies are not software programs and do not contain viruses, Trojans or other “pests”. Cookies also cannot access information on your PC.

For example, cookie data may look like this:

– Name: _ga

– Expiry time: 2 years

– Use: Differentiation of website visitors

– Example value: GA1.2.1326744211.152211092731

A browser should support the following minimum sizes:

– A cookie should contain at least 4096 bytes.

– At least 50 cookies should be stored per domain.

– A total of at least 3000 cookies should be stored.

What types of cookies are there?

The question which cookies we use in particular depends on the services used and is clarified in the following sections of the Privacy Policy. At this point we would like to briefly explain the different types of HTTP cookies.

There are 4 types of cookies:

Absolutely necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the website. For example, these cookies are needed when a user places a product in the shopping cart, then continues surfing on other pages and later only proceeds to checkout. These cookies do not delete the shopping cart, even if the user closes his browser window.

Functional cookies

These cookies collect information about the user behavior and whether the user gets any error messages. In addition, these cookies are used to measure the loading time and the behaviour of the website with different browsers.

Target-oriented cookies

These cookies ensure better user friendliness. For example, entered locations, font sizes or form data are stored.

Advertising cookies

These cookies are also called targeting cookies. They are used to deliver individually tailored advertising to the user. This can be very practical, but also very annoying.

Usually, when you first visit a website, you are asked which of these cookie types you want to allow. And of course this decision is also stored in a cookie.

How can I delete cookies?

How and whether you want to use cookies is up to you. Regardless of which service or website the cookies originate from, you always have the option of deleting cookies, only partially allowing or deactivating them. For example, you can block third-party cookies, but allow all other cookies.

If you want to determine which cookies have been stored in your browser, if you want to change or delete cookie settings, you can find this in your browser settings:

Chrome: Delete, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Managing cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Deleting cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: Deleting and managing cookies

Microsoft Edge: Deleting and managing cookies

If you do not want cookies, you can set your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. In this way, you can decide for each individual cookie whether to allow the cookie or not. The procedure varies depending on the browser. It is best to search for the instructions in Google using the search term “Delete cookies Chrome” or “Deactivate cookies Chrome” in the case of a Chrome browser or exchange the word “Chrome” for the name of your browser, e.g. Edge, Firefox, Safari.

What about my privacy policy?

Since 2009 there are the so-called “cookie guidelines”. These guidelines state that the storage of cookies requires the consent of the website visitor (i.e. you). Within the EU countries, however, there are still very different reactions to these guidelines. In Austria, however, this directive was implemented in § 96 (3) of the Telecommunications Act (TKG).

If you want to know more about cookies and do not shy away from technical documentation, we recommend, the Request for Comments of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) called “HTTP State Management Mechanism”.

Storage of personal data

Personal data that you provide to us electronically on this website, such as your name, e-mail address, address or other personal information when submitting a form or comment in the blog, will be used by us together with the time and IP address only for the purpose stated, kept secure and will not be disclosed to third parties.

We therefore use your personal data only for communication with visitors who expressly wish to contact us and for the processing of the services and products offered on this website. We do not pass on your personal data without your consent, but we cannot rule out the possibility that this data may be viewed in the event of unlawful conduct.

If you send us personal data by e-mail – i.e. outside of this website – we cannot guarantee the secure transmission and protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data unencrypted by e-mail.

According to Article 6 paragraph 1 a DSGVO (lawfulness of processing), the legal basis is that you give us your consent to process the data you have entered. You can revoke this consent at any time – an informal e-mail is sufficient, you will find our contact details in the imprint.

Rights according to the data protection basic regulation

According to the provisions of the DSGVO and the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG), you have the following rights in principle:

– Right to Reporting (Article 16 DSGVO)

– Right to cancellation (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 DSGVO)

– Right to limitation of processing (Article 18 DSGVO)

– Right of notification – notification obligation in relation to rectification or erasure of personal data or limitation of processing (Article 19 DSGVO)

– Right to data transferability (Article 20 DSGVO)

– Right of objection (Article 21 DSGVO)

– Right not to rely exclusively on automated processing – including the processing of personal data – by a third party.

– Right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling (Article 22 DS Block Exemption Regulation)

If you believe that the processing of your data violates the data protection law or your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority, which in Austria is the data protection authority, whose website you can find at .

Evaluation of visitor behaviour

In the following data protection declaration we inform you whether and how we evaluate data from your visit to this website. As a rule, the data collected is evaluated anonymously and we cannot deduce from your behaviour on this website any personal information about you.

You can find out more about the possibilities of contradicting this evaluation of visit data in the following data protection declaration.

TLS encryption with https

We use https to transmit data in a tap-proof manner on the Internet (data protection through technology design Article 25 paragraph 1 DSGVO). Through the use of TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data. You can recognize the use of this data transmission security by the small lock symbol in the top left corner of the browser and the use of the https scheme (instead of http) as part of our Internet address.

Newsletter Privacy Policy

When you subscribe to our newsletter you provide the above personal information and give us the right to contact you via email. We use the data stored within the scope of the registration to the newsletter exclusively for our newsletter and do not pass these on.

If you unsubscribe from our newsletter – you will find the link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter – then we will delete all data that was stored when you subscribed to our newsletter.

MailChimp Privacy Policy

We send newsletters with MailChimp and use on this website functions of the newsletter service MailChimp of The Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308 USA to register for newsletters.

General information about MailChimp

Rocket Science Group LLC (MailChimp) maintains online platforms that enable our users to stay in touch with their subscribers, primarily via email. They allow users to upload email addresses and other subscriber profile information such as name, physical address and other demographic information to the MailChimp database. This information is used to send e-mails and to enable the use of certain other MailChimp features by these users. In accordance with published privacy policies, MailChimp shares some information with third parties to provide and support the services that MailChimp provides to users. MailChimp also shares some information with third party advertising partners to better understand users’ needs and interests so that more relevant content and targeted advertising can be provided to those users and other users.

Newsletter Subscription

If you register for our newsletter on our website, the data entered will be stored at MailChimp.

Deletion of your data

You may withdraw your consent to receive our newsletter at any time within the received e-mail by clicking on the link below. If you have unsubscribed by clicking on the unsubscribe link, your data will be deleted at MailChimp.

Newsletter Evaluation

If you receive a newsletter via MailChimp, information such as IP address, browser type and e-mail program will be stored to give us information about the performance of our newsletter. MailChimp can determine whether the email has arrived, whether it has been opened and whether links have been clicked by using the images called web beacons (details can be found at integrated in the HTML emails. All this information is stored on the servers of MailChimp, not on this website.

MailChimp is an active member of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data. More information can be found at You can find out more about the use of cookies at MailChimp at, information about data protection at MailChimp (Privacy) at .

MailChimp order data processing contract

We have signed a contract with MailChimp for the Data Processing Addendum. This contract serves to secure your personal data and ensures that MailChimp complies with the applicable data protection regulations and does not pass on your personal data to third parties.

More information about this agreement can be found at

Google Fonts Privacy Policy

We use Google Fonts of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) on our website.

You do not need to login or provide a password to use Google fonts. Furthermore, no cookies are stored in your browser. The files (CSS, fonts) are requested via the Google domains and According to Google, requests for CSS and fonts are completely separate from all other Google services. If you have a Google Account, don’t worry that your Google Account information will be transmitted to Google while using Google Fonts. Google collects and stores information about your use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and fonts. We’ll take a closer look at how the data is stored.

What are Google Fonts?

Google Fonts (formerly Google Web Fonts) is an interactive directory of more than 800 fonts that the Google LLC provides for free use.

Many of these fonts are released under the SIL Open Font License, while others are released under the Apache License. Both are free software licenses. So we can use them freely without paying royalties.

Why do we use Google Fonts on our website?

With Google Fonts, we can use fonts on our own website, and don’t have to upload them to our own server. Google Fonts is an important building block to keep the quality of our website high. All Google fonts are automatically optimized for the web and this saves data volume and is a great advantage especially for use on mobile devices. When you visit our site, the small file size ensures fast loading time. Google Fonts are also known as secure web fonts. Different image synthesis systems (rendering) in different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices can lead to errors. Such errors can partially distort texts or entire web pages optically. Thanks to the fast Content Delivery Network (CDN), there are no cross-platform problems with Google Fonts. Google Fonts supports all popular browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera) and works reliably on most modern mobile operating systems, including Android 2.2+ and iOS 4.2+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod).

So we use Google Fonts to make our entire online service as beautiful and consistent as possible. According to Art. 6 para. 1 f lit. F DSGVO, this already represents a “legitimate interest” in the processing of personal data. In this case, the term “legitimate interest” refers to legal as well as economic or ideational interests that are recognised by the legal system.

Which data is stored by Google?

When you visit our website, the fonts are downloaded via a Google server. This external call transmits data to the Google server. In this way, Google also recognises that you or your IP address is visiting our website. The Google Fonts API was developed to reduce the collection, storage and use of end-user information to what is necessary for the efficient delivery of fonts. API also stands for “Application Programming Interface” and serves, among other things, as a data transmitter in the software sector.

Google Fonts securely stores CSS and font requests at Google and is therefore protected. Google can determine the popularity of the fonts through the collected usage figures. Google publishes the results on internal analysis pages such as Google Analytics. Google also uses data from its own web crawler to determine which web pages use Google fonts. This data is published in Google Fonts’ BigQuery database. BigQuery is a Google web service for companies that want to move and analyze large amounts of data.

However, it should also be remembered that each Google Font Request also automatically transmits information such as IP address, language settings, browser screen resolution, browser version and browser name to the Google servers. It is not clear whether this data is also stored or not, and Google does not communicate this information unambiguously.

How long and where is the data stored?

Requests for CSS assets are stored for one day by Google on your servers located mainly outside the EU. This allows us to use the fonts using a Google stylesheet. A stylesheet is a style sheet that can be used to quickly and easily change the design or font of a website, for example.

The font files are stored on Google for one year. Google’s goal is to improve the loading time of websites. If millions of websites refer to the same fonts, they are cached after the first visit and appear immediately on all other websites visited later. Sometimes, Google updates font files to reduce file size, increase language coverage, and improve design.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

The data that Google stores for a day or a year cannot simply be deleted. The data is automatically transmitted to Google when the page is viewed. To delete this data prematurely, you must contact Google support at In this case, you will only prevent data storage if you do not visit our site.

Unlike other web fonts, Google allows us unrestricted access to all fonts. So we have unlimited access to a sea of fonts and can get the most out of our website. You can find out more about Google Fonts and other questions at Although Google deals with data protection issues there, it does not contain really detailed information about data storage. It’s relatively difficult (almost impossible) to get really precise information about stored data from Google.

You can also read about which data is basically collected by Google and for what purpose this data is used at .

Google Analytics Privacy Policy

On this website we use Google Analytics from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to statistically evaluate visitor data. Google Analytics uses target-oriented cookies for this purpose.

Cookies from Google Analytics

– _ga

o Expiry time: 2 years

o Use: Differentiation of website visitors

o Example value: GA1.2.1326744211.152211092731

– _gid

o Expiry time: 24 hours

o Use: Differentiation of website visitors

o Example value: GA1.2.1687193234.152211092731

– _gat_gtag_UA_<property-id>

o Expiration time: 1 minute

o Use: Used to throttle the requirement rate. When Google Analytics is provided through the Google Tag Manager, this cookie is named _dc_gtm_ <property-id>.

o Sample value: 1

For more information on terms of use and privacy, please visit or


Our concern in the sense of the DSGVO is the improvement of our offer and our web appearance. Since the privacy of our users is important to us, the user data is pseudonymised. Data processing is based on the statutory provisions of § 96 Para. 3 TKG and Art. 6 EU-DSGVO Para. 1 lit a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the DSGVO.

Deactivation of data collection by Google Analytics

The browser add-on to disable Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, dc.js) helps website visitors prevent Google Analytics from using their information.

You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website and Google from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:

Google Analytics add-on for data processing

We have concluded a direct customer contract with Google for the use of Google Analytics by accepting the “add-on for data processing” in Google Analytics.

You can find out more about the Google Analytics data processing supplement here:

Google Analytics IP anonymization

We have implemented the IP address anonymization of Google Analytics on this website. This feature was developed by Google to enable this website to comply with applicable data protection laws and the recommendations of local data protection authorities when they prohibit the storage of the full IP address. IP anonymization or masking occurs when IP addresses arrive on the Google Analytics data collection network and before data is stored or processed.

More information about IP anonymization can be found at

Google Analytics reports on demographics and interests

We’ve turned on advertising reporting in Google Analytics. The demographic and interest reports include age, gender, and interests. This allows us to get a better picture of our users without being able to associate this data with individual persons. You can find out more about the advertising functions at

You can stop using the activities and information in your Google Account under “Advertising settings” at by checking the box.

Google Analytics deactivation link

If you click the following opt-out link, you can prevent Google from tracking further visits to this webpage. Note: Deleting cookies, using your browser’s incognito/private mode, or using another browser will result in data being collected again.

Deactivate Google Analytics

Google reCAPTCHA Privacy Policy

We use Google reCAPTCHA of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to prevent spam.

Legal basis for the use is article 6 (1) f (lawfulness of processing), because there is a legitimate interest to protect this site from bots and spam.

reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects websites from spam and abuse. It uses advanced risk analysis techniques to keep people and bots apart. With the new API, a significant number of your valid human users will pass the reCAPTCHA challenge without having to solve a CAPTCHA.  We use reCAPTCHA to secure forms.

By using reCAPTCHA, data is transferred to Google which uses Google to determine whether the visitor is a human or a (spam) bot. Which data is collected by Google and what this data is used for, you can read on

You can read the terms of use for Google services and products at

Embedded Social Media Elements Privacy Statement

We include elements of social media services on our website to display images, videos and text.

By visiting pages that display these elements, data is transferred from your browser to the respective social media service and stored there. We do not have access to this data.

The following links will take you to the pages of the respective social media services where we explain how they handle your data:

– Instagram Privacy Policy:

– YouTube is subject to Google’s privacy policy:

– Facebook data policy:

– Twitter Privacy Policy:

Facebook Privacy Policy

On this website we use functions of Facebook, a social media network of FIrma Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland.

You can read about the features (social plug-ins) provided by Facebook at .

When you visit our website, information may be transferred to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, Facebook may associate this information with your personal account. If you do not want this, please unsubscribe from Facebook.

The privacy policy about what information Facebook collects and how they use it can be found at

YouTube Privacy Policy

On this page we use the video service YouTube from YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.

By accessing pages on our website that have integrated YouTube videos, data is transferred to YouTube, stored and evaluated.

If you have a YouTube account and are logged in, this information will be associated with your personal account and the information it contains.

You can find out what data Google collects and what this data is used for at .

Instagram Privacy Policy

On our website we use functions of the social media network Instagram of the company Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA.

With the functions for embedding instagram content (Embed function) we can display images and videos.

By accessing pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date, time, cookies) is transmitted to Instagram, stored and evaluated.

If you have an Instagram account and are logged in, this information will be associated with your personal account and the information stored in it.

The privacy policy about what information Instagram collects and how you use it can be found at

Google+ Privacy Policy

On our website we use functions of Google+, the social network of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).

If you want to take full advantage of the features offered, you will need a Google Account.

Even when you use the functions (Google +1 Buttons, Google+ Badge, Follow button, Google+ Share button and Link, Sign-In Button, Hangout Button) without a Google Account, information is already transmitted to Google.

If you are logged in with your Google account while using the above-mentioned functions, your data will be published worldwide on and collected and evaluated by Google, depending on your settings.

You can read about which data is collected by Google and what this data is used for at .

LinkedIn Privacy Policy

On our website we use functions of the social media network LinkedIn of the company LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

By accessing pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date and time, cookies) is transmitted to LinkedIn, stored and evaluated.

If you have a LinkedIn account and are logged in, this information will be associated with your personal account and the information stored in it.

The privacy policy of what information LinkedIn collects and how they use it can be found at

Pinterest Privacy Policy

On our site we use buttons and widgets of the social media network Pinterest, the company Pinterest Inc.,808 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.

By accessing pages that use such functions, data (IP address, browser data, date and time, cookies) are transmitted to Pinterest, stored and evaluated.

The privacy policy of what information Pinterest collects and how it uses it can be found at

SoundCloud Privacy Policy

On our website we use functions of the social media network SoundCloud of the company SoundCloud Limited, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany.

By using the SoundCloud functions such as playing music, data (IP address, browser data, date and time, cookies) are transmitted to SoundCloud, stored and evaluated.

If you have a SoundCloud account and are logged in, this data will be assigned to your personal account and the data stored in it.

The privacy policy of what information SoundCloud collects and how you use it can be found at

ShareThis Privacy Policy

On this website we use functions of ShareThis from the company ShareThis (4005 Miranda Ave, Suite 100, Palo Alto, 94304 California, USA) to enable visitors to share content from this website.

ShareThis Services

By using the social plugins of ShareThis, visitors are able to share the content of this website on various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and many more.

What data does ShareThis process?

When visitors share content with ShareThis in services where they have an account and are logged in, the visit and sharing can be assigned to the user.

ShareThis uses cookies, pixel tags, HTTP headers and browser identifiers to collect information about visitor behavior and shares this information with third parties after pseudonymization.

Here is a list of possibly processed data:

– Unique ID of a cookie placed in the web browser

– General click behaviour

– Addresses of visited websites

– Search queries that a visitor used to get to the ShareThis page

– Navigation from website to website if expired via ShareThis services

– dwelling time on a website

– Which elements were clicked or highlighted

– The IP address of the computer or mobile device

– Mobile Advertising IDs (Apple IDFA or Google AAID)

– Information Contained in HTTP Headers or Other Transfer Protocols Used

– Which program on the computer (browser) or which operating system was used (iOS)

Cookies from ShareThis

ShareThis uses cookies which we list in the following example. You can find out more about ShareThis cookies at

– __unam

o Expiry time: 9 months

o Use: Counts clicks and shares on a website

o Example value: 8961a7f179d1d017ac27lw87qq69V69211092731

Passing on of data to third parties by ShareThis

ShareThis shares collected information after pseudonymization with third parties.

Storage time at ShareThis

ShareThis retains collected data for a period of up to 14 months from the date of data collection. ShareThis cookies expire 13 months after the last update.

ShareThis Opt-out

If you no longer wish to see advertisements based on data collected by ShareThis, you can use the Opt Out button at This will set an opt-out cookie, which you must not delete to keep this setting.

You can also set your preferences for usage-based online advertising via in preference management.

If you want to know more about ShareThis’s processing of your data, you can find all the information at

Google AdSense Privacy Statement

On this website we use Google AdSense, the advertising program of the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).

Data on the displayed advertising media and your IP address may be transmitted to servers in the USA and evaluated there.

In AdSense, cookies are used to enable better advertising, the cookies do not contain any personalized data. Google AdSense sends a cookie to the browser after every impression, every click and every other activity that leads to a call to the Google Adsense server. If the browser accepts the cookie, it will be stored there.

Third party AdSense providers may be able to place and read cookies in your browser or use web beacons to store information they receive from ad serving on the site. Web beacons are small graphics that enable log file recording and log file analysis used for statistical purposes in online marketing.

Disable Cookies

You can delete or deactivate cookies that are already on your computer at any time. The procedure for this varies depending on your browser, it is best to search for the instructions in Google using the search term “delete cookies chrome” or “deactivate cookies chrome” in the case of a chrome browser or exchange the word “chrome” for the name of your browser, e.g. edge, firefox, safari.

If you do not generally allow us to use cookies, i.e. deactivate them via browser settings, some functions and pages may not function as expected.

Disable personalized advertising

If you have a Google Account, you can disable personalized advertising on the page. Even if you opt out of personalizing ads, you may still see ads based on factors such as your approximate location derived from your IP address, browser type, and recent search terms.

To find out what information Google collects and how we use it, please visit

Facebook Pixel Privacy Statement

On this website we use the Facebook pixel of Facebook, a social media network of the company Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland.

The code implemented on this page can evaluate the behaviour of visitors who have come to this website from a Facebook advertisement. This can be used to improve Facebook advertisements and this information is collected and stored by Facebook. The information collected is not visible to us and can only be used in connection with advertisements. Cookies are also set through the use of the Facebook pixel code.

By using the Facebook pixel, the visit to this website is communicated to Facebook so that visitors can see suitable ads on Facebook. If you have a Facebook account and are logged in, the visit to this website is assigned to your Facebook user account.

To learn how Facebook pixel is used for advertising campaigns, visit

You can change your ad settings in Facebook at if you are logged in to Facebook. At, you can manage your preferences for usage-based online advertising. You can deactivate or activate many providers at once or change the settings for individual providers.

For more information about Facebook’s data policy, visit

Source: Created in cooperation with with the data protection generator of

By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information

The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
