You are either alone, doubting Mr Right is even out there for you or you are agonizing about why your current relationship with the man you are actually dating, feels unsatisfying, one-sided and emotionally exhausting.

There will be a lot of BLACK FRIDAY SALES, maybe you need new trousers, an X-Mas dress or a new iPhone, but the most valuable investment that you can ever make is in YOU, in your big wish for: THE LOVE FROM A REAL MASCULINE MAN. Someone who makes the decision to pursue you, to honor your company and to assure you that he want to make you his Queen, so that he can prove his masculinity as a king to you. The ultimate relationship to lift each other to becoming the best version of human beings and lovers.

If you need help to survive holiday season as Single to overcome Holiday Season blues and survive family interrogation!

The 2 hour coaching call can be arranged in two separate sessions according to your arrangement with Nisrien.

If you want to make the right guy fall in love with you, so that you can start a loving relationship instead of waiting for Mr Right.


For all the women who need to overcome break up – FIRST AID to survive first 3 weeks !

The 2 hour coaching call can be arranged in two separate session according to your arrangement with Nisrien.


If you want to master your Love Language & Communication with men, so that you make him connect with you instead of disappearing and pulling back.

The 3 hour coaching call can be arranged in two separate session according to your arrangement with Nisrien.

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